to neil, every time we look around ya always their the good times we had money could not buy. the times we had hey? the street light you made with dave still shines bright, the table you put together wrong remain(bodged) the same for us in the garden, the handy work and mischief you and dave got up to the plumbing the electric the cars was their anything you could not do??? you learnt to ride your motorcycle in the bottom of the garden god you was so clumsy ha, then you taught your son who followed in his daddys steps and was just as clumsy only one speed and it was full on you little monkeys... the bbq's and partys we had you always was the party animal and the star of the party no matter who met you they always went home loving you... we never did see eye to eye did we been virgo's too much alike but we always managed to sort through it and ya knew where to come if ya needed us the one thing that we did share and agree on was our proud grandson you both gave to us your little man oliver the laughs we had we were so proud to have known you and have you as a son in law r.i.p love always and miss you carol and dave x x x